
Parameter estimation with Poisson HMMs

The following code is a complete example program that estimates the parameters of a three-states HMM given a hypothetical data set stored in dataset.txt and a set of initial parameters stored in init_params.txt.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include "chainsaddiction.h"

main (void)
   const char data_path[]   = "path/to/dataset.txt";
   const char params_path[] = "path/to/init_params.txt";
         int  status        = 0;

   DataSet    *data  = NULL;
   PoisParams *initp = NULL;
   PoisHmm    *hmm   = NULL;

   data  = ds_NewFromFile (data_path);
   initp = PoisParams_NewFromFile (params_path);
   if (data == NULL || initp == NULL)
      status = 1;
      goto cleanup;

   hmm = PoisHmm_New (data->size, initp->m_states);
   if (hmm == NULL)
      status = 1;
      goto cleanup;

   PoisHmm_Init (hmm, initp->lambda, initp->gamma, initp->delta);
   PoisHmm_EstimateParams (hmm, data);
   PoisHmm_Summary (hmm);

   ds_FREE (data);
   PoisParams_Delete (initp);
   PoisHmm_Delete (hmm);

   return status ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;